Holy Mother of God, I've hit the MOTHERLOAD! Got myself a food scale, and now I can obsess even more about everything that goes in my fat face! WOOT WOOT!
No. Dude. I am SERIOUSLY excited. I found it online a while ago, at the beginning of my dieting, but it took fooooreeever to arrive. When it finally did (last week), it sat, uncelebrated. But... Oh. My. God. I've missed out on joyous days, hours! of weighing everything! This handy little device can weigh dry AND liquid measurements. It can account for grams! milliliters! pounds! aaand!!! fluid ounces!
The thing is, the majority of the stuff I'm eating doesn't come with nutrition facts. Meats, avocado, sweet potatoes... I have to roughly estimate and god only knows how many times I've over-/under-estimated. Those days are long gone. I had fish tonight (80 grams, 102 cals), avocado (70g, 84 cals), and a whole grain / oat crispbread (60 cals, acc to box).
Step 1. place food on scale
Step 2. enter weight on www.calorieking.com and...
Voilá! 246 calories to the T! Like magic right? Right???
Calorie King is also amaaaazing. For example, tonight I was able to choose between California and Florida avocados (super different in consistency and therefore, nutrition). Try it. It's amazing!
Food Scale: Takes away doubt, questions, mistakes. It's a must.
Gotta go find something to weigh now.......
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