Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cheesecake Factory HELL!!

In this last week of goal 1, I was confronted with an ugly situation: a working lunch from Cheesecake Factory (take out).

In preparation for the moment of truth (aka "what do you want to eat?") I did some research. Here's the UGLY truth:

Go ahead, find your favorite cheesecake factory dish. Everyone has one. Mine? The Navajo Grilled Chicken Sandwich. It's got grilled chicken, avocado, lettuce, tomato... healthy right? WRONG! At ONE-THOUSAND-TWO-HUNDRED-AND-SEVENTY-EIGHT CALORIES? That's my entire daily amount of calories-- NOT COUNTING THE FRENCH FRIES. Holy Fat Cow!

So, of course, I had to find an alternative. The weight management salads are o....kay, but not great. Plus, add dressing calories (if you notice, they are separate). So I settled on the grilled mahi mahi with broccoli (sans potato side). At 466 calories, I only ate half to get my 233 calorie meal. With their giant portions, half a dish is definitely filling at the Cheesecake Factory, but the gross majority of these dishes are over 1,000 and TWO-THOUSAND calories. And by gross I mean, GROSS!!!

The average American shouldn't be eating more than 2,000 calories a day. Time to open our eyes. Or the little slits on our fat faces!! Ugh...

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