Wednesday, February 23, 2011

too busy to chew!

...or to capitalize. so you can only imagine my meals today.

got up early to go to the gym (l worked out legs) and afterwards had a protein shake...

1 scoop Gold Standard vanilla ice cream flavor (120 cal)
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (40 cal)
1 medium banana (100 cal)
half cup ice

and then a couple of hours ago i had my amaaaazing Fage Greek Yogurt. Since I buy the 0% Fage (no fat; less sugar), it is really very plain (although the creamy texture is still scrumptious). To boost the flavor, here's what i do:

1 6oz cup fage 0% greek yogurt (90 cal)
6 chopped up strawberries (13 calories)
half tablespoon honey (32 calories) (You can also add vanilla or cinnamon for flavor).

In any case, it's just about time for another meal, but in the 3 minutes it's taken me to type this I've gotten emails to answer. ACK! Here's to busy days!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cheesecake Factory HELL!!

In this last week of goal 1, I was confronted with an ugly situation: a working lunch from Cheesecake Factory (take out).

In preparation for the moment of truth (aka "what do you want to eat?") I did some research. Here's the UGLY truth:

Go ahead, find your favorite cheesecake factory dish. Everyone has one. Mine? The Navajo Grilled Chicken Sandwich. It's got grilled chicken, avocado, lettuce, tomato... healthy right? WRONG! At ONE-THOUSAND-TWO-HUNDRED-AND-SEVENTY-EIGHT CALORIES? That's my entire daily amount of calories-- NOT COUNTING THE FRENCH FRIES. Holy Fat Cow!

So, of course, I had to find an alternative. The weight management salads are o....kay, but not great. Plus, add dressing calories (if you notice, they are separate). So I settled on the grilled mahi mahi with broccoli (sans potato side). At 466 calories, I only ate half to get my 233 calorie meal. With their giant portions, half a dish is definitely filling at the Cheesecake Factory, but the gross majority of these dishes are over 1,000 and TWO-THOUSAND calories. And by gross I mean, GROSS!!!

The average American shouldn't be eating more than 2,000 calories a day. Time to open our eyes. Or the little slits on our fat faces!! Ugh...

Week 6: 10 pounds lighter, one hunny dolla-dolla richer!

I know I've been absent. It's because I've been working so hard at my tenth pound! And I'm here with good news!

I have achieved the first goal of ten pounds in six weeks. I thought I could do it in 4, but 6 isn't so bad!
BF in the meantime is at -5.5. That's about a pound a week, which isn't so bad either-- but the fluctuation's not so good. I mean, he had lost 4.5 the first week alone. And then wildly roller-coastered for the next weeks that followed.

My weight has consistently been crawling down at a snail's pace. But it only went in one direction.
Consistency is key, I know.

How I did it: I've been to the gym 5-7 times a week (usually 6 times a week) and eaten 4 to 5 250- to 300-calorie meals a day. Sure, I've had my cheats and my moments of weakness, but for the most part, I've made very, very good decisions.

For the second goal, I have to buckle down and behave even better: I have to lose 12 pounds this time-- My goal is to lose it by end of April.

In the meantime, with his lag, BF now needs to lose 23 (and a quarter) pounds. That's twice as much. Can he do it in 10 weeks? That's more than 2 pounds per week.

Anyone starting to think BF actually stands for Bunny Foofoo? Slow and steady wins the race!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A diet haiku.

Diets are no fun.
I want chocolate cake bad.
But my jeans don't fit.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 5 results: Karina -7 / BF -5.5

Ugh... not much progress this week. Makes me wonder what would've happened if I'd had a better weekend...

The next two weeks I have to be extra good. If I am extra good, I can lose up to 1.5 per week. 1.5 per week is my max. But that would bring me to ten pounds.

What's not helping is, I'm starting to feel sick... that throat ache you get right before it gets to a full-blown cold. If I can't work out, I'm done for. Even though BF still has 7 pounds to go, that boy can drop it faster than the stock market.

For breakfast, I squeezed oranges for juice, had some strawberries (higher in Vitamin-C than even an orange) and 0% fat Greek Yogurt with honey (great for the throat). Hoping all this stuff will do the trick. Oh, and my brother gave me some magic garlic pills that have yet to perform their magic, but I am hopeful.

So, now I just have to not get sick and eat super clean 5 times a day for the next 14 days. May the force be with me. And the immunity, and the antioxidants, and the self-control, and the time,......................

Monday, February 7, 2011


Weekends are bad for dieting. Not because I did anything crazy or wild this weekend. BF and I basically had parents' weekend... Went to his parents' for dinner on Saturday and spent yesterday at my parents'.

Luckily both of us have parents who cook / eat healthy, so it wasn't like we were confronted with heavy cooking or anything. The tough thing is getting all 5 meals in each day. Saturday I only ate four meals. Sunday... three. Eek. I literally had breakfast, lunch, dinner-- which I haven't in a while. My mom had a birthday lunch and I only had time for one meal before that. After her celebration, BF and I had to jet off to do a chore, and by the time I was home, I could only cram one more meal in.

I also had my weekly cheat this weekend. Not planned though... but luckily I behaved very well the rest of the week. It's pointless to cheat on a weekday-- I am so on-routine, it's just a wasted indulgence. Since it was my mom's birthday, she had cookies and pie. So after a wholesome meal of salad and protein, I had a bite from BF's pie and had part of a (large) cookie. But did not have an entire cookie nor a whole piece of pie. That is a big no-no. It's just a small cheat.

In any case, I am nervous for my weigh-in tomorrow. I am so close to the first goal, I can't afford to F anything up right now!

So as crazy as it sounds. I'm glad it's Monday. Weekdays are a refuge from fun and indulgence!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My jeans are more honest than my scale.

Kind of sad, but my biggest pair of jeans (aka fat jeans) are still tight (wearing them right now, right out of the dryer). Still got a long ways to go...

It's ridiculous how many pairs of jeans I have. And the sizes they range in, 27 to 30 and everything in between. So it will be exciting to go down the ladder of sizes. Obviously I'm in the size 30 right now (I only have one pair of fat jeans), I will let you know how many pounds it takes to fit the next size down.

My jeans are more honest than my scale, so when I am able to fit my skinniest pair of jeans (even if it means using a shoe-horn), I will be happy. I don't care if the scale reads 150 pounds!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Food Nightmares!

No, I'm not being chased by a Giant Cheeseburger... These dreams are super realistic. I am gorging on cheesecake and I wake up, sweating. Now, here's the thing, if you know me, this is the one dessert I will pass on. I mean, if it were chocolate cake, it might be a food dream. But cheesecake?! What a waste of calories... And in the nightmare, I'm not enjoying the cheesecake at all. I'm just feeling the very real guilt of eating it... and even when I wake up, I continue to feel gross. It's that real.

I find some comfort knowing that I'm not the only one this happens to... My brother also has these food nightmares.

Are we crazy? Anyone else haunted by food?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Excuses, excuses...

Time to vent. And probably offend a few readers...

From random girl to one of my friends: "I wish I had time to go to the gym!"

Seriously? Seriously??? That is gonna be your excuse? Lack of time???

How about you get yer lazy dimpled ass off the couch and give up all that reality TV you're watching? How about you shop less? Play less video games? Go out less? Drink less so you're not hungover the next day. Wake up early. Sleep less, we all do.

So next time how about you just be honest with yourself and everyone else. Let's get a, "I'd rather go home from work and continue to be stagnant on my couch." Then at least we can say you're an honest fatty.

Just don't make it like you're busier than the rest of us. We all have shit going on in our lives. If anyone ever hears me use such a lame excuse, please, you have license to slap me FULL-ON across the face. The kind of 3-Stooges-slap where my entire body spins around a few times from the force.

The only people I will not judge are working mothers. ................And still, I'd like to think that my baby-daddy / mom / friend could watch my kid(s) for an hour. There are also mommy and me workout classes where you use your kid as a dumbbell and shit. Also, tons of gyms have a daycare/play area for kids-- I know mine (24 hour fitness) does. Even if I am an orphaned, friendless, single mother who can't afford the gym or classes, I will stick that kid in a baby-jogger and go for a run. The kids love it too. So I hate to be the childless chick who doesn't get it, but I'd like to think I'm gonna find a way when I have kids.

There are people with all sort of disabilities. And they still manage to find a way. I swear to god, I have seen a one-handed man on a wheelchair do a 5K.

So Ima gonna call BULLSHIT.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Holy Mother of God, I've hit the MOTHERLOAD! Got myself a food scale, and now I can obsess even more about everything that goes in my fat face! WOOT WOOT!

No. Dude. I am SERIOUSLY excited. I found it online a while ago, at the beginning of my dieting, but it took fooooreeever to arrive. When it finally did (last week), it sat, uncelebrated. But... Oh. My. God. I've missed out on joyous days, hours! of weighing everything! This handy little device can weigh dry AND liquid measurements. It can account for grams! milliliters! pounds! aaand!!! fluid ounces!


The thing is, the majority of the stuff I'm eating doesn't come with nutrition facts. Meats, avocado, sweet potatoes... I have to roughly estimate and god only knows how many times I've over-/under-estimated. Those days are long gone. I had fish tonight (80 grams, 102 cals), avocado (70g, 84 cals), and a whole grain / oat crispbread (60 cals, acc to box).

Step 1. place food on scale
Step 2. enter weight on and...

Voilá! 246 calories to the T! Like magic right? Right???

Calorie King is also amaaaazing. For example, tonight I was able to choose between California and Florida avocados (super different in consistency and therefore, nutrition). Try it. It's amazing!

Food Scale: Takes away doubt, questions, mistakes. It's a must.

Gotta go find something to weigh now.......

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fourth week's results: Karina -6.5 / BF -6

Happy one month of dieting! I've lost six-and-a-half pounds. (I remember being able to lose 10 pounds in a month, I must be getting older...) BF is trailing behind at negative six (he's also not dieting though, evidenced by the empty bag of McDonald's and pizza at work-- no, I still haven't forgotten two days of burger and fry dinners in a row last weekend). But enough about him though. This blog is about ME!!

Let me take this opportunity to apologize for my week-long absence. I took Friday off from work to prepare for a huge orchid show last weekend (shame on you if you missed it!). I volunteered to help my society put together an exhibit, which took ALL DAY FRIDAY (worth it, we won grand champion!). Friday night I could not move from the venue, I had to judge (I am studying to become an American Orchid Society Judge), was with the judges till late and got home straight to bed and early up the next morning. Saturday I volunteered all day (9am to 8pm) to help my favorite vendor. Sunday, I helped the vendor again-- but was able to get in an intense workout in the morning.

The workout all thanks to my friend J, who had RSVPd weeks earlier to get us into an amazing hour-long spinning class at the Mondrian with instructor Lisa. Highly recommended.

In any case, long story short, the weekend was a bit of a mess. I packed lunches in the mornings, but wasn't necessary able to eat them. On Saturday, I had arrived at 9am, but didn't have a chance to look at the time again until GASP! 12:56. I hadn't eaten for almost 5 hours. The majority of the weekend went a little bit like that. Too busy to even notice the passing of time. I think that explains my measly half a pound lost last week.

Needless to say, as exhausted as I was, I was happy when Monday hit me with the weekday routine. Working out every day, monitoring my gallon-a-day water intake, eating properly every 3 hours or so and remembering to take my vitamins. I plan to make this week an awesome one. Shooting to get to negative 8 lbs by week 5.

Keep a close eye on my blog, I will be reporting very efficiently this week. Keep calling me out-- really appreciate those who have been doing so-- you know who you are. XO