Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Fudged Up. That's Fudge with a capital F.

No, I literally Fudged up. It was my boss's birthday and she loves chocolate (doesn't everyone?!). So I got her my favorite: fudge-y chocolate cake. And yeah, I cracked.

The thing about chocolate is, it doesn't matter if I'm hungry or not, I ALWAYS want chocolate. Not sure where my resolve went. Maybe it was this morning...

Flashback to 10 hours earlier...
I know you're not supposed to, but I like to weigh myself every morning. So I woke up and immediately got on the scale and saw that I lost half a pound... Yay! Normally reason for celebration-- until my boyfriend followed my lead and got on the scale too: 3.5 pounds down for him.




Seriously?! I know there are a lot of factors involved with weighing oneself (and understand that's why you do it once a week) but AAHHHHH!!!!!!

Anyway, so I've been all BLAH! today. And it's not like eating chocolate cake is going to help me to get there any faster. But I did it. I ate it.

And now I have to get over it and move on. Sometimes I do this, I make one mistake, and suddenly, for some reason, I continue to make mistakes. Like once that mistake barrier has been broken, there's no point to be good again.

But here's my plan for tonight and I'm sticking to it: First, I'm going spinning (right now, actually). Then, I'm having a protein shake. If I am still hungry later, chicken and vegetables. End of story.

Tomorrow is a new day and I will have to remind myself how I feel right now to avoid making more mistakes.

Neither do I condemn thee: Go and sin no more.


  1. Where's the next post? Stop exercising and sit in front of a computer to type!

  2. I'd throw that scale out. I'm sure it's wrong ;)
    Love, Ayleen

  3. Thanks for reading guys!
    Love the encouragement (or whatever it is that Randy mustered up)... ;)
